Theatre – the Place of Unmediated Meeting. Jerzy Grotowski and the “Holy” Actor


  • Sabin Sabadoș



Grotowski, authenticity


Getting to configure the profile of the “holy” actor, Grotowski remakes the entire structure of the theater, from the conditioning of the dramatic text (which constantly demands to be overcome) to the investment of the body with an unparalleled significance. Knowledge is replaced by an understanding of the actors’ gestures through emotions and a dynamiting of the social conventions. This leads to a reconfiguration of the stage dialogue, in which the spectator acquires a rank equal to that of the actor, mobilizing energies and giving meaning to the stage work.


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How to Cite

Sabadoș, S. (2022) “Theatre – the Place of Unmediated Meeting. Jerzy Grotowski and the ‘Holy’ Actor”, Theatrical Research, 3(1-2 (5-6), pp. 97–111. doi: 10.46522/CT.2022.01-02.05.


