Complexitatea tap dance-ului – improvizaţie versus coregrafie


  • Adrian Strâmtu Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca


difficulty levels in improvisation, choreography, rigour and flexibility in choreography


Tap Dance Complexity – Improvisation Versus Choreography

Understanding the tap dance complexity requires a multidisciplinary analysis, which exploits elements of the following disciplines: actor's art, stage improvisation, and choreography to characterize tap dance's specific art and its means of artistic expression. Improvisation responds to the artist's need for expression, by exploiting unforeseen, unplanned elements, and completing the art of the artist. In a modern vision, choreography, as an organization of artistic steps and techniques, is more than just a rigorous approach, encouraging artistic flexibility and improvisation.


PECINA, Sara, 2016. Steps in Time: An Exploration of Tap Dance Education. Kentucky: Western Kentucky University.

POPESCU, Marian, 2003. Corp și Imagine în discursul teatral. Elemente pentru o teorie a reprezentări. În 13 abordări ale imaginii. Constanța: Ovidius University Press.

SAWYER, Keith Sawyer, 2012, Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation. New York: Oxford University Press.

STRÂMTU, Adrian, 2019. Procesualitatea demersului creativ în context artistic. Revista Colocvii teatrale. Theatrical Colloquia, 2019, vol. 27, pp. 79-86.



How to Cite

Strâmtu, A. (2018) “Complexitatea tap dance-ului – improvizaţie versus coregrafie”, Symbolon, 19(2 (35), pp. 86–92. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


