Costumul bufonului în documente, imagini și spectacol


  • Lia Codrina Conțiu University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Tîrgu-Mureș


fool, performance, Shakespeare


The Fool’s Costume in Documents, Images and Performance

The fool’s costume, as it appears in the illustrations of the Psalms or the paintings of the medieval period and Renaissance, differs from the costume that the jesters wore at the court of the nobles or kings, be they innocent or artificial fools. The fool’s image with his clothes ragged and baggy or multicolored, with bells and donkey’s ears or the comb of a rooster, could be found in the street performances, during the days of the Carnival, in the popular theater or on stage, especially during the Elizabethan period. Symbol of the mirth, mobility and disorder that characterize the fool, the fool's costume expresses both the characteristics of his inner life and the disorder in the lives of other people. The present paper aims to analyze the costume of the fool, as it appears in the illustrations and documents of the medieval and Renaissance times, as well as in some productions of Shakespeare's plays staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company, based on the images existing in the digital library of this English theater company.


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How to Cite

Conțiu, L. C. (2020) “Costumul bufonului în documente, imagini și spectacol”, Symbolon, 20(2(37), pp. 57–74. Available at: (Accessed: 7 January 2025).


