L’empreinte du théâtre dans la conscience globale


  • Maria Orquídea Leite de Faria Borges-Bispo Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra


myth, global consciousness


The Imprint of the Theater in the Global Consciousness

By observing the painting of the eighteenth century, we are witnessing, so to speak, a pictorial earthquake: on the one hand, the neo-classicism that follows the model of classical antiquity in search of a simple, sober, capable style to convey serious moral values such as justice, honor and patriotism; on the other, the romantic movement, which is projected in the opposite direction and approaches the modern by focusing on the capacity for expression. As for the French theater of the same period, it is also possible to distinguish these two trends. In a way, the scene evolves in circular motions stemming from the intrinsic dialectic between tradition and innovation. When, in the eighteenth century, one recognizes the figure of the author - by creating copyright - one is recognizing the figure of the spectator as an element of the process of creation. Due to lack of time and availability of mind to follow someone else's story, the performance responds to the call of the moment by focusing on the painting that strikes the mind of the spectator who makes his own story.


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How to Cite

Borges-Bispo, M. O. L. de F. (2018) “L’empreinte du théâtre dans la conscience globale”, Symbolon, 19(2 (35), pp. 93–99. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/14 (Accessed: 26 January 2025).


