Az audiovizuális médiaszolgáltatók feletti joghatóság problematikája: a joghatóság megállapítási kritériumainak kialakulása és fejlődése az uniós médiaszabályozásban


  • Zsolt Kokoly


European law, jurisdiction


The Issue of the Judiciary Authority Controlling Audio-Visual Media Services: the Appearance and Development of the Founding Criteria of the Authority Within the EU Media Regulation

The present study aims to present the criteria for establishing jurisdiction over media broadcasters within the European Union, focusing mainly on the case of audiovisual broadcasts where the country of origin principle can be subject to limitations.

The main regulatory instrument of the European Union in the field of audiovisual broadcasters, the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (DIRECTIVE 2010/13/EU) has its core in the set of criteria establishing jurisdiction over media services considering that a key regulatory issue in the case of cross border audiovisual services and broadcasts is to determine jurisdiction.

The European Union holds the principle of the country of origin as the “foundation stone” for establishing jurisdiction over audiovisual media providers. As far as exceptions from the country of origin principle are concerned, the Directive has different criteria regarding linear audiovisual media services (art. 3, para. 2 and art. 4) and nonlinear audiovisual media services/television broadcasts (art. 3, para. 4, 5, 6).

The present paper analyzes the problem of restrictions applied to linear audiovisual services (television broadcasts).


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How to Cite

Kokoly, Z. (2015) “Az audiovizuális médiaszolgáltatók feletti joghatóság problematikája: a joghatóság megállapítási kritériumainak kialakulása és fejlődése az uniós médiaszabályozásban”, Symbolon, 16(1(28), pp. 7–32. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2024).


