A romániai magyar nyelvű audiovizuális média monitorozásának módszertani kérdései


  • Rita Pletl


audiovisual media, regional vernacular language, linguistic fault


Methodological Aspects of the Monitoring of Hungarian Audio-Visual Media in Romania

The program that was planned for more stages, started in 2010 and undertook the monitoring of Hungarian news programmes (since 2011 cultural programmes have also been monitored) of national audiovisual media from different regions. The aim of monitoring these programmes is to study on the strength of samples to what extend do professional speakers, reporters observe the norms of vernacular language and to what extent does their use of language act the part of sample language in a regional, bilingual and dialectical environment.
In my study I present the methodological questions of media monitoring (the aspects of sampling, the requirements regarding content and form in processing documentary material) paying atten-tion to the differences between Romanian and Hungarian media monitoring programme.


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How to Cite

Pletl, R. (2015) “A romániai magyar nyelvű audiovizuális média monitorozásának módszertani kérdései”, Symbolon, 16(1(28), pp. 44–53. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/154 (Accessed: 4 January 2025).


