Go Online – What to Publish?


  • Zoltán Ditrói


public service media, entertainment


Commercial or even public service media program editors, when faced with the dilemma between the terms online and on-air, they unquestionably and unanimously opt for on-air. However, the choices and way of online publishing of the functions of national radio divide their unity. Some would only share informative functions; others would include educational, entertainment and heritage-preservation contents as well. How does communication with the audience happen online? Is public service media suitable for this function at all? Another significant question is the accessibility of the content: PC only, PC and mobile applications, or primarily mobile applications and everything else only secondarily. In my present writing, I am researching these topics.


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How to Cite

Ditrói, Z. (2020) “Go Online – What to Publish?”, Symbolon, 16(1(28), pp. 105–115. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/159 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


