Museums in Cloud: forme noi in noile media


  • Marius Nedelcu
  • Radu Igazsag


virtual museum, interactivity


This paper presents an ongoing project aiming to make available cultural collections ranging in size from little private collections, temporary exhibitions, to large museums, and that have large, limited, or even no (more) public availability, to a large audience, anywhere and anytime. The aim of the project is to make such collections available virtually through an open, on-line platform for broad, unrestricted access, based on virtual reality techniques.


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How to Cite

Nedelcu, M. and Igazsag, R. (2020) “Museums in Cloud: forme noi in noile media”, Symbolon, 16(1(28), pp. 127–142. Available at: (Accessed: 22 December 2024).




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