Les deux confessions dans les dernières pièces de Bernard-Marie Koltès


  • Filippo Bruschi


Koltès, nihilism


Two Kind of Confessions in Bernard-Marie Koltès Last Plays
We can find two kinds of confession in Bernard-Marie Koltès’s last plays (1977-1988). We have defined the first one as the confession-labyrinth because the characters use it to hide their intentions and to puzzle their interlocutors. Through this kind of confession, Koltès shows his lack of trust in respect of language and his power to change the human condition. The confession-labyrinth grows in importance between “The night just before the forest” (1977) and “The Solitude of cotton fields” (1986). The second kind of confession, the factual confession, reveals a social and economic reality. And his importance seems to decrease between “The Night just before the forest” and “The Solitude in the cotton fields”. The result of these two confessions’ crossing evolution is “Roberto Zucco” (1988), Koltes’s last play, where the author achieves his journey from the hope of a social change to nihilism.


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KOLTES, BERNARD-MARIE, 1985. Quai Ouest, Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit.KOLTES, Bernard-Marie, 1986. Dans la solitude des champs de coton, Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit.

KOLTES, BERNARD-MARIE, 1988a (1ère ed. 1977). La Nuit juste avant les forêts, Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit.

KOLTES, BERNARD-MARIE, 1988b, Le Retour au désert, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit.

KOLTES, BERNARD-MARIE, 1989 (1ère ed. 1980). Combat de nègre et des chiens, Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit.

KOLTES, BERNARD-MARIE, 1990. Roberto Zucco, Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit.

LEHMANN, HANS-THIES, 2002. Le Théâtre post-dramatique, trad. Philippe-Henri Ledru, Paris : L’Arche.

SARRAZAC, JEAN-PIERRE, « Résurgences de l’expressionnisme, Kroetze, Koltès, Bond » in Études théâtrales, n° 7, ed. J.-P. Sarrazac, Louvain-la-neuve : Université ca-tholique de Louvain, pp. 139-153.



How to Cite

Bruschi, F. (2020) “Les deux confessions dans les dernières pièces de Bernard-Marie Koltès”, Symbolon, 16(2(29), pp. 5–12. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/164 (Accessed: 21 October 2024).


