A légzés funkciója a színészi munkában


  • Károly Kovács University of Arts Targu Mureș




The Function of Breathing in Acting

The study is an analysis focusing on acting breathing, based on A. P. Chekhov's Seagull, discussing the first sentence of the drama (Medvedev: Why do you always walk in black?) in relation to ten theatrical performances. I examine breathing primarily as a stage meaning carrier, comparing it to show the diversity of actors playing the role of Medvedenko, and I perform a microanalysis of what other common features beyond the described Chekhov sentence characterize the stage work of some actors from the aspect of the breathing applied. To analyse the air intake preceding the introductory sentence, I define the concept and function, physiology, and structure of respiration in the study, and then draw various conclusions focusing on the practice of stage respiration. The statement of the study: the acting work appearing in the performance is determined and influenced by the breathing operated at the moment of entering the stage. The intensity of the air intake, the phase shift between exhalation and inhalation, the retention of the air and the flow of the inhaled air all determine the person entering the stage, they affect his voice, his actions, his thoughts


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How to Cite

Kovács, K. (2021) “A légzés funkciója a színészi munkában”, Symbolon, 21(1(38), pp. 53–68. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/222 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


