A szovjetizálás hatása a magyarországi filmekre (1945–1955)


  • Bianka Pestality University of Arts Târgu Mureș


communism, western dances


The Effect of Sovietization on the Development of Hungarian Films (1945–1955)
In this study, I attempt to demonstrate with the help of a number of movies the role ballroom dancing had, how these dances were reshaped and changed between 1945-1956; furthermore, I observe the effect of Sovietization on films. After the communist party came into power, the party leaders’ main task was to win the support of the people and, first of all, the youth. As a ballroom dancer I consider it important to highlight swing and other dances of American origin as well as the hostility the communist leadership demonstrated towards them. This hostility is clearly present in contemporary articles and theoretical texts. In films, although in undertones, this hostile relation is sometimes plain to see.


Anon., 1949, A népi tánckultúra, Szabad Nép, április.

Anon., 1950, „Dalolva szép az élet”, Bácskiskunmegyei Népújság, október 7, 36.

Anon., 1951, „Mozik Műsora”, Bácskiskunmegyei Népújság, Vol. VI. no. 181, 24.

Anon., 1952, „Filmismertető”, Bácskiskunmegyei Népújság, Vol. VII. no. 34, 40.

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KÜRTI László, 1950, „Dalolva szép az élet”, Népszabadság, Vol. VIII. no. 217, 134.

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How to Cite

Pestality, B. (2021) “A szovjetizálás hatása a magyarországi filmekre (1945–1955)”, Symbolon, 22, pp. 123–137. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/253 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).