Koloratúra-történetek: „Lucia”. A kadencia egy pillanata


  • Máté Szabó


coloratura, Lucia of Lammermoor


Coloratura-stories: “Lucia”. A Moment of a Cadenza
My research focuses on a useful dramatic approach to opera coloratura. The details, which require braveness as well as extraordinary technical knowledge and skills, do not necessarily become the culmination of performance, only from formal implementation. Starting from the initial phenomena of sheet music writing, examining the phenomena of different eras of opera literature, by parallel and simultaneous analysis of harmonic and psychological processes, my aim is to shed light on the possibilities of content and dramaturgy. A language, a way of thinking, which seems to be able to shed light on the character’s position by focusing on the ‘fate’ of the melody, seems feasible. In stage work, I try to find a useful practical tool to approach nonverbal vocal possibilities in comparison with the tools of verbality. Further on, I share my experiences of the cadenza from the ‘madness scene’ of “Lucia of Lammermoor” by Donizetti.


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How to Cite

Szabó, M. (2021) “Koloratúra-történetek: „Lucia”. A kadencia egy pillanata”, Symbolon, 22, pp. 175–184. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/256 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).