

  • Nóra Rainer-Micsinyei


digital feminism, solidarity


Definitions of #MeToo
In addition to clarifying concepts and providing a historical overview of the #MeToo movement, the study summarizes the movement’s original purpose, its achievements since its beginning, and critiques of the movement. Based on the studies of prominent representatives of contemporary feminist theory, it provides an insight into the relationship between digital feminism and #MeToo, and the successes of the movement. The study scrutinizes feminist expectations of the movement, conceptual confusions, and demands for structural change in social order in relation to #MeToo.


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How to Cite

Rainer-Micsinyei, N. (2021) “Metoo-definíciók”, Symbolon, 22, pp. 265–272. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).