À la confluence du théâtre et de la performance : un entre-deux à réexplorer en temps de crise


  • Sylvie Roques EHESS Paris




performance, device


At the Confluence of Theater and Performance: an In-Between to Re-Explore in Times of Crisis

The research workshop on new performative forms led by Patrice Pavis in November 2019 and organized by the Institute of Theatrical and Multimedia Research of the University of Arts in Târgu-Mureș gave rise to a number of theoretical questionings. The objective was to offer the participants/actors an opportunity for systematized reflections taking as object this type of artistic forms and practices. The sponsorship of this eminent researcher in the performing arts, a specialist in the question of staging and its analysis, brought rigor and methodology to the whole thanks to the use of his reading grids and other conceptual tools. If certain epistemological ruptures and proposed illuminations could be seized on the moment in all clarity, it is afterwards that influences on my own field of research appeared and unquestionably an enrichment in the apprehension of the complexity of the phenomenon could emerge.


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How to Cite

Roques, S. (2021) “À la confluence du théâtre et de la performance : un entre-deux à réexplorer en temps de crise”, Symbolon, 22(1 (40), pp. 29–37. doi: 10.46522/S.2021.01.03.