Tragédie sur scène : la traduction, l’adaptation et le corps dans la pratique dramatique contemporaine


  • Nicolò Zaggia Université de Bologne



rewriting, contemporary Greek tragedy


Tragedy on Stage : Translation, Adaptation and the Body in Contemporary Drama

Tragedy has always been an important literary genre. Topics dealt with these plays have so deeply penetrated the imaginary worldwide, in a way that in every century one can find rewritings of those scenarios.
The aim of this paper is to stimulate a reflection on the reception of Greek tragedies in the contemporary age. More specifically, we will look at the fortune of the “Oresteia”. This issue will be the starting point for a discussion concerning the ways in which the Classics enter the contemporary theatrical repertoire. With the aid of some examples, we will delve into some approaches in this practice. At first we will examine the difference between the translation of a Greek tragedy and an adaptation of such type of play. The comparison will lead us to some relevant considerations on the function of the actor’s body in these mises en scène.


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How to Cite

Zaggia, N. (2021) “Tragédie sur scène : la traduction, l’adaptation et le corps dans la pratique dramatique contemporaine”, Symbolon, 22(1 (40), pp. 55–64. doi: 10.46522/S.2021.01.06.