Créer, effectuer, performer. Un regard sur les travaux de Christian Prigent et Christophe Tarkos


  • Fabiana Florescu Université de Bucarest



poïesis, work in progres


Create, Effectuate, Perform. A Perspective on the Poetical Works of Christian Prigent and Christophe Tarkos

In this paper I aim to analyse the strategies of creation of the poetical experience in the hybrid works “Poésie sur place” by Christian Prigent and “L’Enregistré” by Christophe Tarkos. Part of my PhD research, this article deals with the problematic of defining the poetical phenomenon in the works of these authors. From a comparative and poetical point of view and taking into account a context of theoretical and philosophical challenges of the contemporaneity, I will interrogate how the poetry is an experience of making and it is dominated by its experimental nature. Though, by refusing the definition of the poetical as a literary category or as a textual object of analysis, as well as the domination of the significant from the poetical experience, these authors are returning to an active dimension which is inherent to the idea of ποίησις (poïesis). Thereby, the poetical performance of Prigent and Tarkos reveals the poetry as an ongoing and opened process of making.


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How to Cite

Florescu, F. (2021) “Créer, effectuer, performer. Un regard sur les travaux de Christian Prigent et Christophe Tarkos”, Symbolon, 22(1 (40), pp. 87–97. doi: 10.46522/S.2021.01.09.