L’autofiction, un genre performatif


  • Eugénie Péron-Douté Laboratoire EHIC à la FLSH (Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences-humaines) de Limoges




autobiography, performative


Autofiction, a Performative Genre
The purpose of this paper is to comment on the emergence of autofiction genre and its meaning. Beginning with a comparative analysis of this genre and the autobiographical one we will show the lack a stability of its definition since the 1970’s until dawn of the 21st century. This neologism, created by Serge Doubrovsky in 1969 shall be rebuilt by the author himself in 1977. Doubrovsky shall hence define that concept for a period of twenty years without achieving to fix all the issues concerning that very word. Beyond the more or less accepted combination of deconstructed narration, split subject and links to the psychoanalysis, autofiction genre appears to contain a performative potential. We will question about how and in which way autofiction parts itself from autobiography, showing it is from the beginning intrinsically performative


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How to Cite

Péron-Douté, E. (2021) “L’autofiction, un genre performatif”, Symbolon, 22(1 (40), pp. 167–183. doi: 10.46522/S.2021.01.15.