Considerații stilistice și interpretative în „3 Cântece de toamnă” de Dan Voiculescu


  • Daniela Neamț-Gilovan University of Arts Târgu Mureș


vocal, interpretation


Stylistic and Interpretive Considerations in "3 Autumn Songs" („3 Cântece de toamnă”) by Dan Voiculescu
Dan Voiculescu's creation is impregnated by an elevated character, which conquers through the beauty of melodicity and sonority. “3 Autumn Songs” („3 Cântece de toamnă”) is a vocal-chamber work of the composer's youth, composed for soprano solo, oboe, two clarinets, bass clarinet and violin, whose lyrics are inspired by the lyrics of the poets Emil Isac (no.1 and 2), respectively, Nicolae Labiş. The musical language used by the composer in this cycle integrates elements of a chromatic modalism, inspired by melodic idioms of folklore source intensely chromatically transfigured, which transpire from the atonal-expressionist atmosphere of the sound universe created on the lyrics of the three poets. The poetic texts acquire a new dimension through a special melodized expressiveness of them, in a particular manner, which treats with great refinement every detail, giving the impression of a natural, unsought spontaneity.


ABT, Wilhelm Franz, 2005. Tratat de arta cântului. Editura Cd-Sheet Music.

COSMA, Viorel, 2006. Muzicieni din România, vol. IX, articolul „Dan Voiculescu”. București:

Editura Muzicală.

MARCU, Şerban, 2012. Ecouri expresioniste în 3 Cîntece de toamnă de Dan Voiculescu - structură, stil, limbaj, Expressionist echoes ine Autumns Songs by Dan Voiculescu - structure, style, language. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Studia Musica.

PISO, Ion, 2000. Cibernetica fonaţiei în canto. București: Editura Muzicală.

TEMEŞ-ŢIPLEA, Bianca, 2009. In memoriam Dan Voiculescu, Muzica nr. 4.București.



How to Cite

Neamț-Gilovan, D. (2020) “Considerații stilistice și interpretative în „3 Cântece de toamnă” de Dan Voiculescu”, Symbolon, 20, pp. 17–22. Available at: (Accessed: 7 January 2025).

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