Practici ale artiștilor plastici din România în promovarea operelor de artă


  • István Havadi-Nagy-David



Romanian Visual Artists’ Practices in Promoting their Artworks 
An open call for an online visual arts exhibition promises global visibility in exchange for a sum of money to be communicated in private only. Once I acknowledged this invitation, I contacted the curator for clarifications about the means of ensuring the promised global visibility and the number of social media followers I shall gain, questioning their marketing intentions and knowledge. I decided to find out how many credulous visual artists are in Romania and their social media habits. I conceived an online questionnaire about social media usage and spread it among artists from Romania, obtaining answers from most counties and from abroad. I found the responses: which are the most used social networks; what social media marketing knowledge artists have; the number of followers and content interactions; the relationship between personal websites, exhibitions, and social media.


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How to Cite

Havadi-Nagy-David, I. (2023) “Practici ale artiștilor plastici din România în promovarea operelor de artă”, Symbolon, 23(2(43), pp. 41–60. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.02.4.


