Semnificația perceptibilă a unor evenimente prin canalele mass-media


  • Cristinela Olăreanu


media, channels, consumer, information, communication


The Perceived Significance of Some Events Through Media Channels
The flood of information from all domains in the mass media makes it almost impossible for the consumer, or rather the media receiver, to correctly decipher and understand an event or multiple events, news that comes in an avalanche over the already question-filled mind of the consumer, regardless of which information channel they are on. The relationship between the information provider and their client remains constantly uneven, as no matter how the latter positions themselves, they remain only a hungry consumer eager to satisfy their hunger for news without being able to discern between recorded truth and reality in its natural unfolding. In other words, their perception is blatantly influenced by psychological, sociological, and emotional mechanisms that manage to deform their reality through the extremely abundant flow of information, leaving almost no room for reflection and personal judgement. Events come with ready-packaged answers, leaving the interlocutor behind who, abused by the multitude of media channels, becomes easy prey in a highly orchestrated manipulation process. Meaning is quickly replaced by information that monopolizes both its transmission and especially the result it emits.


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NEL, Noél, 1990. Le débat télévise, Paris : Armand Colin.

TOFFLER, Alvin, 1995. Powershift. Puterea în mișcare. Traducere de Mihnea Columbeanu, București: ANTET.

WOLTON, Dominique, 1993. Éloge du grand public. Une théorie critique de la télévision. Paris: Flammarion.



How to Cite

Olăreanu, C. (2023) “Semnificația perceptibilă a unor evenimente prin canalele mass-media”, Symbolon, 24(2(45), pp. 15–20. Available at: (Accessed: 3 July 2024).