Nevoia de soluții didactice imediate în situații de epidemie/pandemie şi evaluarea on-line


  • Ioan Ardelean



professor-student empathy, conflict, physical and imaginary body, therapeutic function


Didactic Solutions in Epidemy/Pandemic Situation and On-Line Assessment
Are we going to sink or swim together? Here's a question that many of us had to answer with the epidemic outbreak/pandemic outbreak. Now that everything is so degradable when the emphasis is more productivity and profit, now that time is money, now that the most to suffer are science, research, intellectual activities, etc., being a teacher is not a job, is a gift.
The theater is a system of conventions where we try to build a world parallel to the real one. It is not a reality, but a game with the reality in which, what is shown is at the same time denied. The stage convention calls for a plausible lie, more precisely, self-delusional. There is an ability to self-illusion that originates in our depths. Freud makes the association between self-illusion and the spectator-specific dream state, implicitly to the one who accepts the convention. Through the ability to illusion, to lie credibly, theatre acquires a therapeutic function.


ARDELEAN, Ioan, 2016. Stanislavski şi Teatrul American Contemporan, prefaţă de Sorin Crişan. Iaşi: Editura Artes.

BARBARA, Adrian, 2008. Actor Training. The Laban Way: an integrated approach in voice, speech, and movement. New York: Allworth Press.

Descoperă.org, 2009. Dualismul, curent filozofic si religie. Descoperă. Online. 31 October 2009. [Accesat la 14 mai 2020]. Available from:

ZEAMI, 2006. The Flowering Spirit, traducerea de William Scott. United States: Kodansha America.



How to Cite

Ardelean, I. (2023) “Nevoia de soluții didactice imediate în situații de epidemie/pandemie şi evaluarea on-line”, Symbolon, 24, pp. 35–40. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.S2.5.