Locul şi rolul jocurilor didactice muzicale


  • Lina-Ildiko Magyari




personal, impersonal, music, didactic game, education


The Place and Role of Musical Didactic Games
The didactic game is one of the most beloved methods in which emphasis is placed on the personal development of children. I wanted to create a personal approach to the theme proposed by the organizers. The report presents several games such as „Robingo”, „Puzzle”, „Circle ball” etc. The current curriculum is beneficial for the application of didactic games, and it is known that the framework is provided in the elementary cycle in the 3rd and 4th grades. Emile Jaques Dalcroze, Carl Orff, Lars Edlund, Kodaly Zoltan represent specialists interested in the effects of movement games in educational activities. I hope that this paper will be a point of reflection on how the personal connections between students can play a role in shaping the future generation.


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How to Cite

Magyari, L.-I. . (2023) “Locul şi rolul jocurilor didactice muzicale”, Symbolon, 24, pp. 41–47. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.S2.6.