Viața muzicală târgumureșeană între anii 1918-1968. Scurtă privire


  • Carmen Mihăescu University of Arts Târgu Mureș


City Conservatory; George Enesco;


The Musical Life of Târgu-Mureş Between 1918-1968. A Brief Look

The beginnings of the musical life in Târgu Mureș date back to the 19th century, an early activity in this direction existing even from its first decades. However, a true development occurs at the beginning of the 20th century with the establishment of the City Conservatory in 1908 and its relocation from the original building to a new one, inaugurated in 1913, known as the Palace of Culture. In this place of culture, a Music School will take shape, under the pedagogical guidance of some important Romanian personalities and where the career of musicians of world-wide value, such as Constantin Silvestri, is foreshadowed. Many important moments in the cultural life of the city in relation to the existence of the Conservatory were recorded by Enescu's visits and concerts between 1923-1938.
The composer Zeno Vancea was one of the people of culture who left their mark upon the musical life of Târgu Mureș in particular until 1948. The year 1950 marks a large institutional reorganization, the nucleus represented by the Conservatory being at the foundation of the establishment of the State Philharmonic, of the High School of Music and Arts, of the People's School of Arts and of the "Mureșul" Artistic Ensemble. As for the evolution of the musical artistic life, a special contribution belongs to the conductor and composer Remus Georgescu, who between 1963-1968 built and conducted the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, inscribing it on the coordinates of professionalism.


Anuarul Conservatorului Orășenesc din Târgu Mureș, 1908-1944. anii I – XXXVIII. Târgu Mureș: Tipografia comunală.

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How to Cite

Mihăescu, C. (2019) “Viața muzicală târgumureșeană între anii 1918-1968. Scurtă privire”, Symbolon, 19, pp. 143–151. Available at: (Accessed: 8 January 2025).