Spectacolul de teatru - creație colectivă


  • Daniela Lemnaru University of Arts Târgu Mureș


The Theatre Performance – A Collective Creation

The variety and plurality of theatrical life at this end and the beginning of the new millennium is cultural evidence. At the same time, however, there are certain certainties that are related to the aesthetic condition of the theater and which need to be rethought and verified. We can today speak of the principle of the complexity of the theatrical art and the principle of the collective nature of scenic creation.
The dispute surrounding the attribution of the role of the main or unique creator of the theater performance has, of course, also been conciliatory. The problem is not to weigh out how many of the options expressed are closer to the supposed truth, but to track their effects on the theatrical life in the context of accepting the postulate on the plurality of theatrical culture.


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How to Cite

Lemnaru, D. (2017) “Spectacolul de teatru - creație colectivă”, Symbolon, 18(2(33), pp. 12–17. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/74 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


