A devised módszer paramuzikológiai vetületeiről avagy: egy muzikológus elmélkedése a devised theatre zenei analógiájáról


  • Gyöngyvér Makkai University of Arts Târgu Mureș


devised method, composer


About the Paramusicological Aspects of the Devised Method or a Musicologist’s Meditation on the Musical Analogy of the Devised Theater

If the artistic creation’s text will be no longer a priori, - than should the authors be judged by the wealth of their ideas, not by the voluminosity of their works, placed in real or virtual libraries? The writer of these lines is engaged in researching, mainly through the composer's eyeglasses, the traceable outcomes of the devised method in music, and seeks answers to the question: „what does exactly show the musical text written by the composer”, „how does the author perceive the receiver (music listener) and the performer- up to the „right of interfering” even. And if one can tell about the devised method that it makes the structure of the performance improvisational and playful, here as well the author tries to outline his observations and ideas in the way that she does not only speak about the essence of the method, but also to initiate his readers into.


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How to Cite

Makkai, G. (2017) “A devised módszer paramuzikológiai vetületeiről avagy: egy muzikológus elmélkedése a devised theatre zenei analógiájáról”, Symbolon, 18(2(33), pp. 88–95. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/83 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


