The Emergence of Independent Theatre in the Romanian Postcommunist Society


  • Anda Cadariu University of Arts Târgu Mureș


Romanian independent theatre; the fall of communism; theatre and society; contemporary performing arts


The following paper is a transcription and an adaptation of a lecture held by the author in September 2016 in Budapest, at the University of Theatre and Film (SZFE), in the framework of the European project 3 Layers of Telling a Story. The purpose of this study is to examine the state of the independent theatre after the fall of communism in Romania, and to emphasize the contribution made by the pioneers of this movement to the entire theatrical landscape. The paper focuses on three aspects: in the first chapter, it establishes the propriety of terminology, analyzing theoretical concepts such as ”independent“, ”fringe“ and ”alternative“ theatre, while in the second chapter, it tackles the socio-political environment in the 1990s in Romania, as well as the general state of the theatre. The third - and last - chapter of the study is based mostly on the book coordinated by Liviu Malița, ”Viața teatrală în și după comunism“, EFES Publishing House, Cluj, 2006, and it consists of the synthetic presentation of ten independent theatres, companies and programs that emerged in Romania in the 1990s and later.


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How to Cite

Cadariu, A. (2018) “The Emergence of Independent Theatre in the Romanian Postcommunist Society”, Symbolon, 19(2 (35), pp. 5–16. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


