A másság megjelenítése az erdélyi magyar és a román sajtóban


  • Krisztina André Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania


creative, consumers


Otherness Represented in the Hungarian and Romanian Press of Transylvania

Since the beginning of times, humans have formed groups for an obvious reason: it is easier to solve problems, understand questions to be answered, overcome hardships or create safety together. However, if there is a group, there must be outsiders to the group as well.
In my research, I focus on how Hungarians from Transylvania define themselves, how they and the Romanians living among them perceive each other, and how this is represented in their communication.
During the research I inspected which words are used by the two sides to define themselves. While Hungarian articles predominantly use ‘brave’, ‘warrior’ and ‘victim’, Romanian articles rely on ‘developing’ (…), ‘hero’ (erou), and ‘religious’ (religios).
The conclusions drawn from these results may offer a clearer light on the source of possible conflicts rooted in the coexistence of the two ethnic groups and thus – hopefully – the possible solution may be within our grasp.


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How to Cite

André, K. (2020) “A másság megjelenítése az erdélyi magyar és a román sajtóban”, Symbolon, 18(1(32), pp. 28–46. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/90 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).


