A másság gyönyörködtet!


  • Szilárd Héjj Marketingarc


creative, otherness


Difference Is a Pleasure!

People have very serious stereotypes connected to advertising (print, online and television). Many people think that commercials mislead people, support us, and cheer us up. It is undeniable that some of the promotions are misleading and soft, but there are many examples to the contrary, so there are many advertising campaigns that look for social inequalities. In my opinion, communication of a brand can be one that builds consumers, teaches them and draws attention to the social problems around us. In my paper, I present how a fashion brand creator can be important to shaping a buyer, how much a fashion brand can really build on the thinking of individuals, and can reinforce acceptance of each other. This fashion brand is none other than Benetton, whose wonderful advertising artist Oliviero Toscani made real masterpieces. The main message of his creations and advertisements is clearly that all people are equal. Fortunately, not only Benetton thinks this important, UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) sports organizations also call attention to racism in commercials.


MACLEOD, Duncan, 2006. United Colors of Benetton Breastfeeding with Handcuffs. Elérhető: http://theinspirationroom.com (2017.02.13.)

ROTHENBERG, Randall, 1991. Benetton's Magazine to Push Vision, Not Clothing. Elérhető: https://www.nytimes.com/ (2017.01.18.)

JACOBSON, Casey, 2012. Everyone deserves to be treated equally. Elérhető: https://kanelandkrier.com (2017.01.22.)

THARRETT, Matthew, 2016, IKEA Declares “All Homes Are Created Equal”, in New Ad Featuring Gay Couple. Elérhető: http://www.newnownext.com (2017.02.19.)




How to Cite

Héjj , S. (2020) “A másság gyönyörködtet!”, Symbolon, 18(1(32), pp. 75–83. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/94 (Accessed: 27 December 2024).




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