Hei, dud(e)! Strategiile absenței în opera lui Samuel Beckett
Hey, dud(e)! Strategies of Absence in Samuel Beckett's Writings
The book seeks to distance the reception of Beckettian writings from the canon that consecrated them, namely that of the theatre of the absurd. Using instruments of theology, philosophy, and art philosophy, the author brings back to the discussion the significant elements of the Irish writers' work: that of poetics and that of Gnostic thought. Ultimately, Beckett maintains a constant and often tense dialogue with the Holy Books in his writings. At the same time, he cultivates an ambiguity of expression that approaches the paradox, if not of faith, at least of religious feeling.
The present volume proposes an immersion into the depths of being, constantly oscillating between reason and faith, possible and the impossible, presence and absence, depths which are insurmountable in the existential destiny of any of us.