Ghid experiențial de creație conștientă. Forme de cunoaștere unitară în flux
Experiential Guide to the Conscious Creation. Forms of Unitary Knowledge in Flux
This book completes and experientially anchors my research into the meaning of conscious creation and unified knowledge through transdisciplinarity.
As experience gives the measure of knowledge, I propose a puzzle of experiential methods and landmarks that can guide any theatre, art and life creator towards freedom and fulfilment, which I call the process of creative perlaboration.
I propose ways that lead the creator/pedagogue towards his becoming into the essence through a conscious creation process, as well as of the receiver in the pose of co-creator, through creative development, and authenticity, in an intra and interconnected process.
The work has an open character, not only as a vision, but also in its openness to perpetual transformation and evolution. It does not offer recipes but only inspires, and opens new perspectives, which generates an expansion of perception and implicitly, of the consciousness and the conscience.