Reinterpretări ale universului shakespearian în termenii Commediei dell’Arte


  • Bianca Holobuț


Mots-clés :



Reinterpretations of the Shakespearean Universe In Terms of the Commedia Dell’Arte

Through our study we will try to cast light on two distinct theatre laboratories, each with its own dominants, with its alchemy and, obviously, with its own alchemist (the director, the guide, the spiritual master). We will take a journey into two parallel stage universes: Carlo Boso’s lab, which I call the French Artistic Legion, and Muriel Manea’s workshop, which draws a dynamic relationship between the beauty and ugliness of the Balkan space. The two approaches are put in a ritual context, highlighted in the analysis of the staging process. Two different productions of the same text, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by W. Shakespeare, with similar types of training and the requirement of an artistic discipline, while having the ability to give up dogma. Carlo Boso brings the masks of the commedia dell’arte in a stylistic and energetic agreement with Shakespeare’s universe, while Muriel Manea, using the aesthetics of beauty, but also of ugliness, builds an authentic world, preserving the essence of that created by Shakespeare.


Ariane Mnouchkine, introducere, selecție și prezentare de Béatrice Picon-Vallin, traducere din limba franceză de Andreea Dumitru, București, Editura Cheiron, 2010.

Grotowski, Jerzy, Teatru și ritual. Scrieri esențiale, traducere din limba poloneză de Vasile Moga, prefață de George Banu, București, Editura Nemira, 2014.




Comment citer

Holobuț, B. (2021) « Reinterpretări ale universului shakespearian în termenii Commediei dell’Arte », Recherches théâtrales, 2(1 (3), p. 93–117. doi: 10.46522/CT.2021.01.05.


