Sens și semnificație în arta teatrului


  • Sabin Sabadoș Universitatea de Arte din Târgu Mureș


Mots-clés :

sense, meaning, becomoing, language


Sense and Meaning in the Art of the Theatre

From its beginnings, the theatre's existence has been marked by its sense and meaning. However, most of the time, in everyday discourse, as well as in critical discourse, the two terms are used with the same meaning. Depending on the study directions specific to linguistics (traditional, pragmatic, discursive, structural, etc.), semiotics, aesthetics, and philosophy, the translations we use for sense and meaning differ, overlap, replace each other, intertwine or noticeably distance themselves. We attempt to outline some of the features of sense and meaning in the context of the performing arts and an artistic “conduct” that gives theatre both the depths of being and an ontological value.


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Comment citer

Sabadoș, S. (2023) « Sens și semnificație în arta teatrului », Recherches théâtrales, 4(1 (7), p. 159–174. doi: 10.46522/CT.2023.01.09.


