Inter- și transdisciplinaritatea cercetării artistice
DOI: cheie:
arts, theatre, media, creation, language, photographyRezumat
Interdisciplinarity and the Transdisciplinarity of Artistic Research
The objectives of artistic research include the promotion of works and creations through specific working methods that complement the methods of scientific research. Interdisciplinarity is a collaborative approach that integrates the skills of scientists and artists from different fields, leveraging the products of science and artistic creations. This involves the transfer of methods between disciplines, without dissolving their boundaries, stimulating thematic synergies and developing a “binocular” perspective about the world. Thus, the collaboration of researchers is favored, facilitating the transition from hypothesis to conceptualization and widening the area of analysis, with impact in various fields. The arts, in particular, enable new, sensitive and innovative approaches to research. The transdisciplinary approach uses concepts and methods with their own internal logic, overcoming traditional disciplinary boundaries and proposing new methods of knowledge and transmission of ideas. In transdisciplinary artistic research, the unity of knowledge and the involvement of various categories of specialists (artists, critics, theorists and practitioners) are pursued, stimulating innovation and exploring creativity. Defining and valuing creative activities involves a complex process of establishing artistic research directions, and interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity contribute to the creation of an environment of collaboration and promote the exchange of ideas. This interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary framework ensures a continuous evolution of knowledge and creation, demonstrating that the synergy between the arts and sciences can lead to innovative discoveries and a deeper understanding of our world.
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