A Z-generáció tükrözésében


  • András Balási


generation-changes, dramaturgy


In Reflection of the Z-Generation

For a long time, I was not paying attention to generation-changes, I did not truly believe that this could be exactly denoted. As a professor, it was impossible not to notice, something supervene: three years ago, at the beginning of the school year I entered a history of theatre course and it was undiminished awe-inspiring: all new students (a group of 24) had in front of them a communication adapted set. It seemed to me that I entered a computer science class. The reality is that they are taking notes on tablets with inconceivable promptness while they are corresponding on social media networks. At the airport in Rome, 80 percent of the waiting people are staying-standing in a stoop position, mostly using a smartphone, including myself. According to the statistics in Romania, in the preceding year approximately 3 million smartphones were sold, three times more, than three years ago. In this study, I would like to examine how our everyday occurrence, wises of the previous generations are influenced by the unprecedented spread speed and the technological innovation sequences – with this end in view through the Z-generation users’ trends. In this context occurs a series of questions, significant entities, like: is it possible to teach by time-honored devices and methods, is it possible at all to teach... Is it possible to follow the wants of information receiving among Z-generation university students?




How to Cite

Balási, A. (2020) “A Z-generáció tükrözésében”, Symbolon, 17(1(30), pp. 26–32. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/119 (Accessed: 26 December 2024).


