« Ubu roi », entre le secret et la confession


  • Ioana Alexandrescu


Alfred Jarry, Literary Paternity


“King Ubu”, Between Secret and Confession
Long after December 10, 1896, date of the outrageous premiere of “Ubu Roi” at the Théâtre de L´Œuvre in Paris, the circumstances that made Alfred Jarry the author of this play, whose proto-version, “Les Polonais”, didn´t certainly belong to him, are still mysterious. Our paper addresses the topic of the “secret of origins” (quoting Sylvain-Christian David´s book title) of “Ubu Roi”, trying to expose some levels in which the concealment of origins is present, along with discursive breaches through which confession breaks out.


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BEAUMONT, KEITH, 1984. Alfred Jarry. A Critical and Biographical Study, Leicester: Leicester University Press.

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DAVID, SYLVAIN-CHRISTIAN. 2003, Alfred Jarry, le secret des origines, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

DUCASSE, ISIDORE (Comte de Lautréamont), 1990. Les Chants de Maldoror, Poésies I et II, Correspondance, Paris : Flammarion.

JARRY, ALFRED, 1972. Œuvres complètes I, Paris : Gallimard, bibliothèque de la Pléiade.

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How to Cite

Alexandrescu, I. (2020) “« Ubu roi », entre le secret et la confession”, Symbolon, 16(2(29), pp. 31–36. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/167 (Accessed: 21 October 2024).


