Music and Art Sector in Pandemic. Croatian Example


  • Iva Hraste Sočo



art, new cultural models


Putting in context conditions in which art, especially music and performing arts, exists in the time of pandemic, proportions and a possibility of achieving the goals from the New European Agenda for Culture will be analysed. Aiming to harness the full potential of culture to help build a more inclusive and fairer EU, supporting innovation, creativity and sustainable jobs and growth, increased cultural participation and building cohesive societies the role of music and performing arts will be highlighted. According to the GESAC study „Rebuilding Europe. The cultural and creative economy before and after the COVID-19 crisis“(January 2021), the performing arts are the most affected areas within the cultural and creative industries. For that reason, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media has adopted several measures which aim to help the cultural sector, particularly performing artists, during the Covid-19 crisis. During the 2 months, digital platforms have served as the only place of activity and sharing of cultural content, so Ministry has decided to open the Call for online activities as an additional source of financing. By reviewing the effectiveness of adopted measures it will be shown which new models of communication and cooperation have the potential to become a new cultural value in the future, as a consequence of the crisis. The new models in the form of distributed online content in the field of music and performing arts sector will be questioned in the context of cultural politics. An example of good practice in adapting the cultural sector to new circumstances, the project of students of Production at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb, who designed the review of student plays in a completely new innovative format, the so-called KRADU 24, will be presented.


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How to Cite

Hraste Sočo , I. (2022) “Music and Art Sector in Pandemic. Croatian Example”, Symbolon, 23(Special), pp. 85–92. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.S1.9.