Music as a Tool to Express Emotions: Remembering the Quarantine Soundscape at the Middle School


  • Giovanna Carugno



Covid-19, Vivaldi


This paper aims to illustrate the results of a pilot study carried out with 20 students attending an Italian middle school after the lockdown. In the first phase of the research, the music teacher collected data about the personal memories of the students related to the soundscape of quarantine. The thematic analysis showed that while most students identified listening and making music as relaxing and positive activities, others had trouble remembering the sounds heard during the lockdown. After that, the students were asked to describe the seasons of quarantine through a multimodal approach, which combined music, words, and pictures. The students used Google Classroom and mobile apps to meet, discuss and share ideas. Most of the notes of the students were referred to positive affects. This demonstrated the value of the music lesson as a space to express emotions in stressful conditions, like those caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Carugno, G. (2022) “Music as a Tool to Express Emotions: Remembering the Quarantine Soundscape at the Middle School”, Symbolon, 23(Special), pp. 127–138. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.S1.14.