Max Eisikovits, György Kurtág, György Ligeti – trei compozitori din România


  • Amalia Szűcs-Blănaru Vaskertes Art School, Gheorgheni


Romania; composer;


Max Eisikovits, György Kurtág, György Ligeti – Three Composers from Romania

The place of birth has a special significance for every human being. It is an imprint of individuality; the stronger it is for creative personalities with exacerbated sensitivity. We stopped at three composers, Max Eisikovits, György Kurtág and György Ligeti, coming from the same space and time. Their musical destinies, like many others, have been marked by the tumultuous history of the 20th century. These similarities will be reflected by different manners in their creation. The three have intersected at various moments of their existence. Eisikovits was Kurtág's counterpoint teacher, and the latter was linked to Ligeti through an exceptional friendship for almost six decades. Eisikovits remained in the country, Kurtág and Ligeti went to study in Budapest, and Ligeti managed to escape from the Soviet influence of communist influence. But for all polyphony it was a way of thinking. They paid attention to the creation of the piano. Echoes of Romanian folklore are found in everybody's works. Through their roots and their creation, Eisikovits, Kurtág and Ligeti belong to the Romanian musical heritage.


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How to Cite

Szűcs-Blănaru, A. (2019) “Max Eisikovits, György Kurtág, György Ligeti – trei compozitori din România”, Symbolon, 19, pp. 55–67. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).