A társadalmi média haszna és kára

A ritka betegségekkel való megküzdés offline és online térben


  • György Csepeli Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Budapest
  • Simon Sára Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Budapest


social media; prosumer; Big Data; hashtag; network; self-help


The Use and Misuse of Social Media. Coping with Rare Diseases in the Online and Offline Spaces

The paper aims at presenting the special difficulties of patients from coping with rare diseases. Comparing the opportunities of accessing each other in the past and present the paper demonstrates how easy has become to share information to the patients as well as the other stakeholders in the online space. In contrast with self-help groups organised in the offline space, online associations have limited opportunity for personal support and there are no means to fence off manipulation, misinformation, and messages produced by robots.


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How to Cite

Csepeli, G. and Sára, S. (2018) “A társadalmi média haszna és kára: A ritka betegségekkel való megküzdés offline és online térben”, Symbolon, 19(1(34), pp. 15–24. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/57 (Accessed: 30 December 2024).


