Menekülés a komplexitástól


  • György Csepeli Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences


complexity, infodemics


As a result of the recently occurred pandemic it has become apparent even for the common people that reality no longer can be seen through the lenses of simplification. Humankind has entered a new age characterized by complexity and lack of transparency. The border between nature and society has disappeared revealing that both of them are ruled by laws of complex systems. The relationships in complex systems are non-linear, categories are bonded to language and understanding is a function of fuzzy logic. There is one chaotic world where changes cannot be predicted. Sudden small changes can lead to major transformations. The human mind has not been equipped by evolution to the challenges of complexity. Human beings living in complexity are driven to escape from insecurity to security. Instead of reducing tension infodemics in social media induce anxiety and a sense of insecurity resulting inadequate response of the users. As a consequence of cognitive inadaptation users of social media tend to develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, paranoia, irrational credulity and resistance to accept evidence-based communications.


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How to Cite

Csepeli, G. (2021) “Menekülés a komplexitástól”, Symbolon, 22(2 (41), pp. 7–12. Available at: (Accessed: 2 January 2025).


