Centrul și marginea sau despre „efectul devised“


  • Sabin Sabadoş University of Arts Târgu Mureș


philosophy, phenomenology


The Center and the Edge or About the “Devised Effect“

Even though there is still no unanimously accepted answer to the question of "what is the theatre?", We can easily see that the dramatic representation is the result of the collaboration of the creators and the interference of the artistic fields. In other words, it is a creation with several authors, a collective creation. Over time, the series of theatre creators have been hierarchized according to various factors related to the era, styles, visibility, etc. It is enough to recall the ascending of theatre direction in the theatre, which sometimes knew or may still know some dictatorial tendencies in order to show how risky the hierarchy can be. Due to the lively and unique character of the theatre performance, we consider that any attempt to hierarchize spheres of theatrical creation is at least risky if not impossible. This is the reason why we propose a different approach, on the basis of an aesthetic approach and an outlook in which the spheres of creation appear in a concentric arrangement. Thus, we consider theatre as the "effect" of a creative idea, which radiates towards the performance and towards the spectator. Just as the energy of the rock thrown into the lake is distributed in the concentric circles at the water level to finally meet the shore, so the essence of the creative idea is transmitted and can be identified with the essence of the actor's art, the director, the set designer, as in and through the dramatic representation it gets to be received by the audience. As a result, instead of looking at the theatre from a perspective that simplifies analysis excessively, ranking the components of creation, we propose an approach that high-lights their alternation with the center.


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How to Cite

Sabadoş, S. (2017) “Centrul și marginea sau despre „efectul devised“”, Symbolon, 18(2(33), pp. 24–30. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/76 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


