Theatre in Education – A Tool for Developing Competences and Intercultural Communication


  • Lia Conțiu University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Tîrgu-Mureș

Mots-clés :

learning methods, intercultural communication


Theatre in education, as an interdisciplinary learning method, can be integrated and applied in various fields, such as pedagogy, language study, social sciences, history, and even science. When we talk about theatre in education or applied theatre, we do not focus on the artistic dimension, the aesthetics of the performance, but more on its instrumental dimension, on its ability to develop skills, both learning and intercultural communication and relationships. Our study aims to analyze the different types of educational theatre and its applicability and to provide examples of good practice in this field.


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Comment citer

Conțiu, L. (2018) « Theatre in Education – A Tool for Developing Competences and Intercultural Communication », Symbolon, 19(2 (35), p. 100–110. Disponible sur: (Consulté le: 3 juillet 2024).


