A jóga szerepe Sztanyiszlavszkij rendszerében és az affektív mozgáspedagógiában
Mots-clés :
The Role of Yoga in Stanislavski's System and in Affective Movement Pedagogy
The system of affective movement pedagogy is based on the theoretical and practical results in the field of neurology, physical theatre and yoga from the 21st century. My experiences as a dancer, teacher and yoga instructor assist me in creating this system. On the one hand, this technique helps create a connection between emotions, body and movement, and on the other hand, the technique also urges the body to move with the help of these connections. The hypothesis is based on the suggestion that our emotions and thoughts influence the reactions that we express.
In the present study, I examine the system of affective movement pedagogy through Stanislavski's system and by adopting the techniques of experiencing and action. I explain that hatha yoga played a decisive role in Stanislavski’s technique, however, it still assumes a different function, based on the cited texts, than in the area of affective movement pedagogy. I attempt to compare the two techniques through the terminology used in yoga. The system of affective movement pedagogy affects areas that partially fill a research gap and are novel in the arts of acting and dance. Its effects are manifested in daily trainings, in creative processes and in the actor’s work.
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