Nivelul de fericire relaționat la inovația digitală


  • Luciana Mihaela Vulea (Motofelea)

Mots-clés :

happiness, digitality, art, artificial, connections


The Level of Happiness Related to Digital Innovation
What used to take a year in the past, today, with the Data Revolution, takes place in a second. Advantages and disadvantages always come together. We are happy that information is transmitted instantly, but we are saddened by the fact that probably thousands of other artworks are appearing simultaneously. We can even make the analogy that if it took 365 days to ship a work of art in the past, today, 365 are sent in a second. However, their diversity can satisfy the consumers' demands.
The digitized art industry raises one of the artist's most critical issues: the inhibition of creativity. The viewer receives a state of ecstasy, especially in cases where the visual moment of creation is presented, and the feeling of knowing appears. The chance of exposure is unlimited. The border between artist and viewer, provider and consumer of media, thus became diffuse.


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Comment citer

Vulea (Motofelea), L. M. (2023) « Nivelul de fericire relaționat la inovația digitală », Symbolon, 24(2(45), p. 79–86. Disponible sur: (Consulté le: 22 juillet 2024).