Cornel Ţăranu – „Sonata-Ostinato”
Mots-clés :
Cornel Ţăranu is one of the most appreciated personalities of the Romanian musical life, his creation reaching beyond European borders, all the way to American continents. “Sonata-Ostinato” is composed in 1961, based on the baroque monothematic cembalo sonatas of Carl Ph. Em. Bach. The sonata is structured in five segments, using “series” as the main construction element, “antithesis” as the essence of expressivity and “ostinato” process as rhythmical foundation. The difficulties in performing the sonata are not according to the technical skills, but to the capacity of the piano player to decode and to emphasize every series and its particularities.
ANGHEL, Irinel, 1997. Orientări, direcţii, curente în muzica românească din a doua jumătate a secolului XX. Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală.
NEDELCUŢ, Nelida, 2003. Semiografia pianistică în creaţia românească a secolului XX. Cluj-Napoca: MediaMusica.
POPOVICI, Doru, 1966. Muzica corală românească. Bucureşti: Editura Muzicală a Uniunii Compozitorilor.
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