Arta și inteligența artificială, între preexistent și revelatoriu
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Art and Artificial Intelligence, Between the Pre-Existing and the Revelatory
The article aims to analyze possible scenarios of the intersection between art and artificial intelligence, starting from the acceptance of an increasingly profound mediation of the relationship between performer and receiver. Today, the impression of life (or vitality) seems to be at least as important as vitality itself, which will make artificial intelligence a constant presence in artistic productions, ready to integrate into its own art inputs provided by the receiver, reiterating pre-existing data, but also responding to the "affinities of the moment". On the other hand, it is possible to see a fallback of artists: some will try to limit technological mediation through a relationship as simple and direct as possible with the receiver, while others will seek to subject artificial intelligence to a search beyond mere learning, and more aptly placed in the vicinity of spiritual experiences.
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