Desființarea neputințelor sau precizie în loc de empatie


  • Ardian Kycyku


Mots-clés :

puppets, symbolism, empathy, theatricality


The Elimination of Powerlessness or Precision Instead of Empathy
The study explores in a metaphorical key an idea of the Nobelist Maurice Maeterlinck about potentiating the dramatic text and emphasizing predestination by interpreting texts not by actors but by puppets. Going through experiences from the world of puppet theater and the construction of automata, one can come to the conclusion that the perfecting of the artistic act in an already global space (where expanding access to information and supposed creation become dimensions of censorship) now assumed by Artificial Intelligence (an entity that promises to overcome everything we call human error or inability) tends to become a point of arrival and not a way to evolve. Thus, the natural growth through human endeavors, failures and successes is arrested and can turn efficiency into a modus vivendi in which informing, training and shaping are no longer distinguished or do not even differ


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Comment citer

Kycyku, A. (2024) « Desființarea neputințelor sau precizie în loc de empatie », Symbolon, 25(1 (46), p. 59–67. doi: 10.46522/S.2024.01.5.