Dramaturg și dramaturgie în creația colectivă – definiții și exemple
Mots-clés :
Dramaturg and Dramaturgie in Collective Creation – Definitions and Exemples
The present paper aims to define the dramaturg’s functions in the collective creation and devising context starting from the distinction between dramaturg and dramaturgy, where the term of dramaturgy refers to the compositional formula applied to a text corroborated with an ensemble of images and sensations that compose a message, in relationship with the reception forms and the production of meaning in a specific environment, connected to a reality. The playwright must have analytical qualities in relation to the show on the one hand and the surrounding world on the other hand. He/She has the skills that can be used in all aspects of the creation of the show precisely because of the ability to translate things into meaning. We will try to define the attention points that a dramaturg must have inside a creative team and to identify the best way to put him/her to work, giving also examples from personal experience and from the collective works nationwide.
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