Trois jours d’Atelier avec Patrice Pavis
Three Workshop Days with Patrice Pavis
The meeting with Patrice Pavis provided the occasion for a complex reflection on the need to include into a totalizing vision of theory and practice, the need to revisit certain notions perceived as a synthesis of knowledge and a guide for a praxis. The article also mentions a series of other aspects, regarded as particularly important for working with actors, such as the literary analysis of the text, the quality of a play's translation, which should favor its sonorous and actantial dimension, but also the notion of "verbo-corps”, which captures the essence of the actor's presence and performance on stage and which can also be a guide for the translator.
"BOISSOU, Sylvie, 1996. Vocabulaire de la musique baroque, Paris : Éditions Minerve.
GEORIS, Christophe, 2013. Claudio Monteverdi letterato ou les métamorphoses du texte, Paris : Honoré Champion Éditeur.
KNEBEL, Maria, 2006. L'Analyse-Action, adaptation d'Anatoli Vassiliev, traduction de Nicolas Struve, Sergueï Vladimirov et Stéphane Poliakov, Paris : Actes Sud-Papiers, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre.
PAVIS, Patrice, 1990. Le Théâtre au croisement des cultures, Paris : Éditions Corti.
VASSILIEV, Anatoli, 1999. Sept ou huit leçons de théâtre, traduit du russe par Martine Néron, Paris : P.O.L. éditeur.
VILLEMAIN, M., 1847. Cours de littérature française. Tableau de la littérature au XVIIIe siècle, nouvelle édition, Paris : Didier, Libraire-Éditeur."
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