Facebook szindróma gyerekek és fiatalok körében
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Facebook Syndrome Within Children And Teenager Groups
These days the majority of teenagers are using Facebook. The young generation is also called Face-book generation.
The aim of the present study is to analyze the impact of Facebook on teenagers. We are curious about the impact of Facebook on the physical and mental health of adolescents. The questionnaire we used, contains questions regarding daily Facebook use; why are they using it; are their data public; what kind of content they post on their Facebook wall and what effects Facebook has upon their everyday life.
The average elementary school children spend between 0 and 30 minutes daily on Facebook, while the students between one and two hours on average. The differences are significant (mean=2.19; mean=2.81; p<0,05). Surprisingly, there are students who have absolutely no Facebook profile.
Based on the results it is possible that the concept of friendship has to be greatly revised, to one that is more superficial and virtual.
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